Many approaches to treating separation anxiety can be impossibly confusing, demoralising, and down-right lonely for you, the caregiver. You have a life too! It all feels so unfair.
So what's happening? Why isn't the advice you've been following so far working?
Well, all that desensitising to keys, coats, and shoes is actually sensitising your dog to them. It's keeping your dog in a heightened state of anxiety.
Your dog's internal dialogue is going something like this...
"Are you going out now? No? Phew! Are you going out now? No? Yes? How about now? Are you going out now?"
And then when you do go out and your dog can't cope, they're being re-traumatised. Each and every time.
Yes, you and your dog are both suffering from TRAUMA, and all the desensitisation in the world won't help the two of you to heal.
That's why there's no desensitisation in my separation anxiety programme.
None whatsoever.
My name is Stephie Guy and I'm a professional dog behaviour consultant helping people like you, with dogs like yours, to live normal lives just like everyone else.
I'm here to help you navigate this challenging journey.
With both personal and professional experience of the struggles of living with an anxious hyper-attached dog that cannot be left without destroying the place, toileting in the house and annoying the neighbours with the barking, I know what you're going through.
I know that you don't need even more training hints and tips. You've got enough of those to last a lifetime.
What you need is someone that truly understands where you and your dog are coming from. You need a programme that can help you to overcome the traumas surrounding your experiences so far - because if your dog is uncontrollably losing their mind every time you go out, then you and your dog are living with trauma.
And any decent therapist will tell you that you can't overcome trauma through hints and tips. You can't overcome trauma by treating it like any other training issue, and you certainly can't overcome trauma by teaching tolerance of the events surrounding the trauma.
That's why I've built a simple step-by-step process for you. In just twenty minutes each day you will
Join the ACEing Separation Anxiety programme and regain peace and independence for you and your dog.